Thursday, March 26, 2009

Parenting in 2009

As I write this, I am struck by how surprising parenthood can be. For instance, my 12 yo son Cameron dressed up as girl today, complete with nail polish, dress and high heels for Crazy Day at school. Normally he wouldn't be caught dead in girl's fashion, but apparently there are exceptions! He had this all coordinated with a buddy of his so they could experience this together. What's really strange is that my 13 yo daughter Percy helped him by loaning him the clothes and painting his nails. Paul is wondering if Cameron is going to come home with a black eye today. Time will tell.

Percy dressed up also and it's pretty much along the same lines as last year's Crazy Day. All sorts of wild jewelry and many layers of patterned clothing. She blended right in with her friend Marlena. It's amazing to think that they are so comfortable with themselves that they can go out on a limb and be adventurous.

Alana, who is 4 incidentally, is in the "I want to color and paint EVERYTHING even though I know it's wrong" stage of life. This is evidenced by the fact that she used an entire bottle of shamrock green fabric paint last night and spilled half of it on the carpet where she proceeded to try to clean it up with baby wipes. So much for that new James Bond movie I was watching. You would think after 3 kids that I would know silence is never a good thing, but I guess I still have a few lessons to learn! We'll have to see if it comes out of her hair as I didn't have the patience last night at 9 pm to try!

There are so many things that I have wanted to start my blogging experience talking about, but it seems that life constantly changes and as such, so does my focus. Maybe I can go back later and talk about those other things, or maybe not... :)

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